First steps

What you should have gotten

If you were invited to be a pilot user of the SCC Pilot, you should have received the following information:

  1. An OpenVPN profile file (with a .ovpn extension)
  2. A username and password

Install the software

In order to access the SCC Pilot, you only need to software packages: SSH and OpenVPN.


SSH is usually already installed on Linux systems. If not, you can install it using your package manager. Look for something like openssh-client or ssh.

OpenVPN can also be installed using your package manager.

Mac and Windows

Both operating system come with an SSH client already installed.

For the OpenVPN client, head to Download the OpenVPN client: and install it.

Connect to the network


Install the OpenVPN client using your package manager. You can then connect via the terminal using the following command:

sudo openvpn --config /path/to/your/profile.ovpn

Alternatively, you can use the Network Manager to import the profile file:

nmcli connection import type openvpn file /path/to/your/profile.ovpn

If you use this way, make sure to set the username and password in the Network Manager settings.

Mac and Windows

Open the OpenVPN Connect programm you installed in the previous step and import the profile file you received. Then, connect to it.

Connect to the Login Node and set you password

For security reasons, you need to change your password the first time you log in.

Open a terminal and connect to the login node using the following command:

Replace USERNAME with your username!!


If it asks you to accept the fingerprint, type yes and press enter.

Next, it is going to ask for your password. Enter the one you received and set a new one.