
If you want to use Matlab on the SCC Pilot, the standard way is to use a so-called "Container". Briefly, a container lets any user define what software to run. You can use these container both for interactive sessions as well as for cluster jobs.

The URL for the standard Matlab container is oras://

Interactive Session

In order to start an interactive session with Matlab installed, head over to, login and go to "Interactive Apps" -> "xfce desktop".

At the bottom it asks for an "Apptainer Image". Just paste the above link in there.

Be aware that the job is going to be in the starting stage for a couple of minutes the first time you use it in a day because it needs to download the container first.

When it has started, click the button "Launch xfce desktop". You are going to find matlab in the "Applications" -> "Other" menu.

Cluster Job

I have created a new Matlab package, tailored to submitting jobs to the SCC Pilot. If you have previously worked with the plus_slurm package contained in the obob_ownft you will find it to be very similar.

Head over to here:, download or clone it, add it to your Matlab path and you should be ready to go. You are also going to find some documentation and migration advice at that link.